Geological meditation: Inter connective layers for another perspective, 2021

I have been developing a new type of meditation to expand my capacity to understand the natural world another human beings, as well as training my imagination in amore dynamic, emphatic and responsible way. In response to the tendency of speediness of desire in the contemporary world, from understanding a deep interrelation, causation and the massive networks that surround us. A starting point is learning compassion, affection, sincere attitudes and self-reflection. 

In the meditating zone, we start by bringing together objects apparently unrelated. If we shift our perspective, we can see these images as an ecosystem containing infinite relations. When we cut vegetables and fruits, or we see broken stones from different geological areas, the internal patterns are intricate. Such complexity is evidence of how the energy from the Earthworks, with magnets, ecosystems, and genes–the accumulation of tremendous universal elements. We process them together, traveling from pattern to pattern. Each design helps you to relate to another, and to understand the interconnections among the whole. Translate these patterns into a vocabulary of gestures, embodying non-human anatomies. By activating lines with our body, we try to represent the diverse dynamics disclosed in them. Maybe sharing this experience can enable us to think what is a sustainable mind in this capitalocene era.

Installation for collective meditation, 2021

Exhibition view

Geological meditation workshop view, 2021


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