Front: Mountain's scars: The vanishing point of regeneration, 2021

Exhibition  view at MMCA, Korea, 2021

This is an exhibition view at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea. In this commissioned project, I focus on the interconnected network between the human and natural world, coexistence, and our human responsibility. The installation comprises seven sculptures, a small rounded entrance (170cm), and a big exit (370cm), which guide the audience toward a reflective and sympathetic direction and expand a sense of time and synesthesia, creating a field of causation. 

I created an environment where the audience can see the circumstance of causation through detailed sculptures.Each sculpture contains integrative messages about the paradox of human exploitation and extractivism, showing how its violent patterns are radically changing the entire balance of the earth's circulatory system. 

Throughout, I am interested in showing other specie's struggles of nowadays and future generations from different perspectives. In the main exhibition ground, we find mutated plants capturing man's manipulation on the earth body in the work "Rootless mutation, 2021", and salmon's frustration of reproduction generated by soil extraction, providing an unavoidable narrative within the work "On the horns of a dilemma, 2021". 

In the middle of the installation space, "A sense of parallel species,2021", a porcelain work is layering a connected human, horse, bird, frog's skull, and a snail. This work is the key to broadening the audience's perspective together with the big circular door, revealing the interconnection between humans and other species.

Entrance, Height 168cm

A land that circulates and collapses by an angle, 2021

porcelain, ceramic pigment, paper-mache, pipe, iron panel, plaster, acrylic color, black stone powder, 143 x 40x 60cm

A sense of parallel species, 2021

porcelain, paper mache, plaster, pipe, water color, 163 x 95 x 132cm

The flower: a launched signal from the soil, 2021

ceramic, ceramic pigment, resin, stone, soil, roots, pipe, iron panel, mixed, 132 x 80 x 110cm 

On the horns of a dilemma, 2021

paper mache, iron, wire, plaster, roots, acrylic color, collected styrofoam, accessory, black stone, mixed, 130 x 75 x 150cm

After the audience passes the main exhibition ground and experiences all stories contained in the sculptures, they go through the big round exit, facing the mirror of the work "Scars of the mountain, vanishing point of regeneration, 2021," which reflects how we humans are being supported by the network of the ecosystem. To find an empathic mind towards the dying codependency of biodiversity, the reflection of our responsibility makes everyone aware of this codependency.

Mountain’s scars: The vanishing point of re-generation

 porcelain, ceramic pigment, iron plate & mirror, stones, roots,  120cm x 80 cm x 125cm, 2021



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